Hey There!
I’m Cindy… risk-taker, mistake-maker, and wildflower bouquet of love, laughter, baggage, and kerfuffle! The teacher in me JUST CAN’T HELP sharing tips, tricks, and life hacks with you. We’ll dig up all things heart and soul, mind, and body of a woman here!
As a recovering codependent, I can tell you EVERY MISTAKE NOT TO MAKE.
As a recovering perfectionist, I can make a list for JUST ABOUT ANYTHING.
Middle age is my FAVE SEASON EVER.
As my battle buddy of 34 years, Rob is my most loyal fan and outspoken critic. As adult daughters, my two girls actually still think I know what I’m doing (Ssshhhh….we’re going to keep it on the down-low that I’M TOTALLY STILL TRYING TO FIGURE OUT this crazy thing called “life”).
In 5 decades of living life, the sweetest title I’ve ever carried is that of “NANA”.